Drop Dead: Remains gets updated (to v1.3.3!)

Drop Dead: Remains (inside Drop Dead Collection) gets updated to v1.3.3. Here's what's new:

v1.3.3 (27-Jul-2024) "New Year, New Tricks"

- internal signal trigger 0 goes to the next level (not in editor)

- internal signal trigger 1 goes to the previous level (not in editor)

- added Main.sm_enableBottomMenuBar for modders to disable in-game bottom menu bar

- added Main.sm_addGoToEditorToContextMenu for modders to add "Go To Editor" to

  right mouse click menu

- added Main.sm_enableCForCharacterSelection for modders so they can disable

  in-game 'c' key for character selection window

- added Main.sm_goDirectlyTo1stLevel for modders who want that when the game starts

  we'll go directly to the 1st level skipping main menu

- added Main.sm_sm_enableEsc for modders who want to disable ESC key in menus and

  going back to previous screen

- added Main.sm_enableInGameLevelChangeButtons and Main.sm_enableInGameLevelSelectionButton

  for modders who want to disable those in-game buttons

- added Main.sm_enableTitleScreenEditorButton for modders who want to disable editor

- added GameData.CHARACTER_EYE_COUNT for modders for settings eyeball count per character

- property modifier 1 can now be used to change Dogu's gravity, and added "normal

  gravity", "forward gravity" and "fixed gravity" to gravity options in property modifier 1

- recoded Dogu to use the same general gravity system as the rest of the objects

- hinge joints don't attach to head goals any more

- objects that are set to wake up at start will not wake up any more when

  taking a screenshot

- a cloned mannequin, minion and skele-tom don't wake up colliding bodies any more

  in the editor

- hinge joints and property modifiers always have the highest sprite priority

- if Davey doesn't have his fishing rod then his jumps do nothing

- when "alternative real life monsters" is selected we now correctly display the

  alternative names in item info

- removed the extra +6xp for character when disappearing act is achieved as it's

  not documented anywhere

- water affects now invulnerable ragdolls

- added a toggle to ignore deco sprites to hinge joints

- hopefully finally fixed level rating to work 100%

- tweaked Davey's sprites and top torso piece a little

- added optional widescreen mode to preferences. after toggling it on/off you'll need

  to restart the game and if widescreen is enabled you'll have to manually enlarge the


- when slowmo is turned on (Clock Bear) air consumption of ragdolls is calculated

  correctly, added following variables to Test for modders: sm_clockBearSloMoTime (how many

  frames), m_sloMoChangeStepSize (slowing/speeding up time step size) and m_sloMoTimeStep

  (timestep when slomo is fully working)

- added unlock hint to Ragrinnan

- added health modifier to turds and books

- mouse clicks went through the color selector in editor and woke up object(s) behind

- when the user tries to add 2nd player character to the level in editor the

  previous one is deleted so only one player character can exist in a level

- added "renewable" toggle to head goals (so they can be activated again and again)

- removed "change count" from ACTIVATE_WHEN_KEY_PRESSED triggers as it wasn't used

- moved salmon and piranha -> shift+2

- Scrunkly got his original name back: Schtikmann

- density in property modifier 1 can be adjusted in 0.005 steps instead of 0.05

- when a sprite explodes all pixels with alpha > 0.0 are turned into particles

- added "apply changes to all jointed objects" toggle, "damage multiplier (take)",

  "return to original rotation speed", "change health", "toggle name change" and

  "set hits-to-score on/off" toggles to property modifier 2

- Dogu's bones don't have negative gravity any more

- trigger activated bomb flies explode

- laser cannon has a new projectile sprite (thanks to Awesome6896)

- oldies and new buttons on title screen move now 250% faster

- mouse click on the credits screen makes the currently displayed text vanish (skipping

  of black screen between texts also works)

- character head sprites randomly x-flip in-game when the head sprite is recreated

  (not everybody, though as some look weird when x-flipped) - added this as an option

  to preferences (for modders: see GameData.CHARACTER_CAN_RANDOMLY_XFLIP_HEAD_SPRITE)

- Dogu's ribcage, hips and feet sprites are now correctly upside down

- fixed a bug that caused the game to pause unless something was being tossed around

- air bubbles give 3x the air than before

- ming vases and statues don't have their old sprites explode when they change

  to the more broken sprite (now they work much like in Drop Dead 3)

- added a new mode: "the burster" - here time is stopped, but if the player

  tosses something then time flows for the next three seconds

- in freeplay mode you can add other explosives as well: 6 - rocket, 7 - gut bomb,

  8 - turd bomb and 9 - eggsplosive

- press del/backspace in freeplay mode to delete objects under mouse pointer

- turd bomb can be made static, gut bomb can be made non-static

- mode selection screen now displays mode unlock limits for locked modes

- added Main.sm_hasIntroScreenSFX for modders who want DD3 style SFX played in

  the intro screen

- set MyPreloader.m_sawBladeCount to 3 if you want DD3 style sawblades in the

  loading screen

- added Main.sm_useDD3TitleScreenEffects for modders who want DD3 style title

  screen blood and dropping down sprite (e.g., "3" in a hook)

- added Main.sm_useDD3CreditsScreen for modders who want to use DD3 style

  credits screen

- added Main.sm_showHitpointsInsteadOfLevelInCharacterSelectionWindow for modders

  who want to display hitpoints in character selection window instead of level

- added new accessories: propeller beanie, diving mask, sun hat, astronaut helmet,

  glasses, sunglasses, pirate hat 1 and pirate hat 2

- added "mode" button to editor that can be used to change the mode in which

  the levels are played in the editor

- if a create trigger creates an object with texture it will now be textured instantly

- added "texture everything immediately" to preferences

- added property modifier 3 with "score multiplier", "can breath underwater" and

  "make camera follow this"

- internal organs spawned by ragdoll body parts inherit the body part's sprite priority

- added a new enemy: hunter (shift+2 in the editor)

- the state of one new property toggle wasn't copied when an object was cloned in

  the editor

- causing damage by shooting things in shooting mode gives now points (like in DD:EtH)

- added "show hit scores" (like in DD:EtH) option to preferences

- Wishi's head doesn't have a gap between torso any more in non super deformed mode

- tossing Paint Turtle from his torso doesn't make him to fly super far away any more

- no adjustment keys for angle offset in trigger APPLY IMPULSE TO OBJ'S UP were shown

- if trigger PLAY BACKGROUND MUSIC is set to play URL BGM then the URL can be given

  via a slave text box

- added a new trigger: ACTIVATE IF GAME MODE IS (X)

- added "create at slave target box/ball" toggle to CREATE trigger

- poison bottle affects only ragdolls, not e.g., bones attached to them using

  hinge joints

- added "toggle autofire on/off" to eyeballs and bullet sources, and if they are

  activated by a trigger then they'll fire a bullet

- scroll directions (up, down, left and right) can be individually disabled in the

  level settings window

- added "AI idle time at start" property to homing missiles

- added deco sprite (game object layer) that is on the same layer as ragdolls etc.

  (shift+9 in the editor)

- sprite priorities work now for box, ball and circle decos, but only inside

  their layers as they are not sprites, but just primitive graphics

- added a toggle "when activating slaves, wake up slaves on/off" to triggers

- added piss drops to drop boxes and balls

- balloon color can now be optionally selected from color selector

- ragdolls hearts now beat, added beating as an optional parameter to loose

  internal organ objects

- water, blood, lava, acid and diarrhea balls, boxes and triangles allow now to

  change the movement multiplier (damping) of objects inside them

- when a breakable ball, box or triangle breaks into pieces, the new objects

  inherit the parent object's sprite priority

- added "toggle auto turn off when stopped on/off" to motored carts

- hinge joint motor can now be set to start in off state, optionally motor

  can be toggled on/off using a mouse click

- remade the default editor level

- added three new fan made characters: Virtu Viewer (by void), Voodude

  (by FlowerCat07) and Liecia (by Paint Turtle)

- all triggers (including targets) and head goals can now be made non static,

  and hinge joints attach to them when non static

- added "reset resets counter to default on/off" toggle to activate when counter...


- added "bullet damage" to level settings, defaults to old 5000 pts

- item info shows most of the extra information displayed in edit mode when

  debug is enabled from preferences and also trigger connections

- breakable balls, boxes and triangles use now the color assigned to them

  when non textured

- from now on only the latest version of Drop Dead: Remains can access

  the database (this can make the 1st database access slow, but remaining

  accesses should be fast like they used to be)

Drop Dead: Remains might get more updates later, but don't count on it, Ville and Jyri have other projects also to work on...

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